New Build Inspections

Not sure where to start?

Get in touch to find out what inspections would best suit your requirements.

Red Earth Building Inspections providing a 5 Star service across Perth

The purpose of these inspections is to ensure that buildings are constructed in accordance with your building plans and to provide a general assessment of the building under construction against the National Construction Code (NCC) and the relevant Australian Standards BEFORE you make a progress payment to your builder.

Below is the typical costs and sequence of new build inspections together with their inclusions which we offer for new home builds.

If you are renovating or wish to discuss your project in detail, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Stage 1

Slab Down Inspection


The first Inspection is completed once the slab has been poured

Stage 2

Walls to Plate Height


The second inspection is done once the brickwork/ wall framing is completed. Items which are checked are:

Stage 3

Roof Framework Completion


The next inspection is completed when the Roof Framework is completed. Items checked are:

This is the most important inspection during the building process as it is where most structural defects are found.

If left unresolved or unidentified during construction, the structural defects will become issues when you go to sell the property as they will be picked up by the purchasers independent building inspector. This will add time, expense and stress to your house sale at that time. Don’t get caught out and get your roof frame inspected when you build.

Stage 4

Practical Completion Inspection


The final construction inspection is the practical completion inspection. Any defects identified here will need to be rectified by the builder prior to handover. Items reported on include:

Giving people in property peace of mind.

After an Inspection?

Merry Christmas everyone.

We will be enjoying the festive season and will not be available to undertake inspections between Monday 18thDecember 2023 and Friday 5th January 2024. If you require an inspection during this period, please make other arrangements.

The office will be open to respond to enquiries and bookings from Wednesday 3rd January 2024, with inspections being scheduled from Monday 8th January 2024.

We're Here To Assist You

Contact us today for any enquiries and bookings

Email Address
Phone Number
Type of Enquiry
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No bookings available until 1/3/25

Unfortunately, we are not able to take on any more bookings until the 1st of March 2025. Therefore, if you require an inspection before this date, please make other arrangements.

If you require an inspection after the 1st of March 2025, please complete the booking form and we will be in touch ASAP to arrange make the necessary arrangements for your inspection.